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產品編號: 09836    產品: Hermit Tarot Channelled Messages Oracle Deck
Wing Chan 於 2023-01-24 23:30:42
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Message cards 居然可以對應到我所抽的tarot card, 好神奇
產品編號: 10669    產品: Gem Spray - Prosperity
w03639 於 2023-01-12 14:33:38
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味道幾好 橙味。用了三幾天,個人冇咁灰。平時想很多做少,行動力増多。
產品編號: 06652    產品: Voodoo Hoodoo Mojo Curio Bag
w03639 於 2023-01-01 14:59:06
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大mojo bags 效果幾好 幫到手 、我會望住佢 多D許願
產品編號: 05834    產品: Avalon Magick - Witch Bottle Small
600259 於 2022-08-11 14:05:43
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2022年3月,我買左Job Hunting & interview, 依樽野真係好work.
由於唔知點叫做正確許願,所以我就許願時就set 左我一堆條件出嚟。當時我要求:「薪金要$xxxxx,大假有xx日,有醫療保險同牙齒津貼,返5日工,時間幾多至幾多,公司係做設計,有好大既落地玻璃窗,識到好多朋友,果到唔玩小圈子。」
許願去左14日,已經有7份工見,到最後,我真係入左一間做設計既媒體公司到做,原本公司無牙醫津貼,不過剛好我入職時亞頭向上面要求,所以真係有左牙醫津貼,我面對一塊落地玻璃坐 ,人工都係達到我要求。只可惜,我識唔到朋友..同埋返工時間未達我要求。 可能許願時,我許得唔夠清晰掛,不過個許願瓶都中左80%,所以我真心覺得好勁同好值得買!

產品編號: 08439    產品: Practical Solitary Magic
Melpomene 於 2022-04-18 03:09:20
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Overall a good starter book for ceremonial magick lite, so to speak.

Like many books of its era, it suffers from fear mongering passages and lots of opinions stated as facts ex Law of Rebound as objective fact, projection of contemporary human morality on deities, very specific ideas on spirit elementals, bashing the left hand path etc

Other problems include ill-advised practices, such as suggesting one bathe with malachite, malachite being a toxic mineral that dissolves in water, as well as dripping perfume into a stream as offerings to Ondines, which seems more like a great way to piss off water spirits for polluting their streams with synthetic chemicals.

It is a very very very Eurocentric and dated understanding of the world and magic ex Asia referred to as the Orient , but if you can look past all that I have read above, it serves as a decent start on a variety of subjects.

I personally enjoyed the dissection of the various planes and their functions towards magical working, and most of the anecdotes the author shares about her experiences. It is nice seeing a book getting down to the nitty gritty of the actual doing process of magick and the struggles one might find on their journey, as opposed to just copy pasting a bunch of spells, giving you brief reasons for their addition and then moving on.
產品編號: 05965    產品: The Complete Book of Amulets and Talismans
Melpomene 於 2022-03-26 17:36:30
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As is with most books claiming to be complete, this book served as a great general overview but was brief at best in section outside of western occultism. It goes into a range of a various talisman and amulet types ex. Egyptian, Key of Solomon, The Black Pullet, herb amulets etc... and provides some useful visuals. However, the sections that refer to culture and historical events are dubious as to their veracity, and the author neglected to give direct references for some of those instances, which made me question the overall legitimacy of this book. It also didn't help my confidence when a finalized book has a frankly hilarious typo such as quote waxing period of the mood unquote p.71 immortalized in it. I am willing to forgive it because it gave me a good laugh

Fortunately, it seems that the western occultism sections have been researched and better understood by the author, which gives me confidence in its accuracy. Overall, a decent book to refer to for beginners as a starting place and a quick guide for intermediate practitioners on western occultism.

My only complaint with the item itself is that the ink is not at all water resistant and bleeds very easily with only a minimal amount of water, hence the 4 stars. Must handle it carefully and never spill any liquids because it would ruin the pretty illustrations.
產品編號: 09867    產品: Hand Rolled Stick Incense
Hoodoo Goddess 於 2022-03-23 15:07:06
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以前燒聖木好難燒得好, 會成日熄
用左呢種香之後, 好易燒而且味道濃郁
而家打坐用佢計埋時, 十分方便
產品編號: 05078    產品: 6 Pack Palo Santo Smudge Sticks
myob 於 2022-02-14 03:04:50
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我燒過各種唔同地方買到既聖木, 而這次買到的是最濃味同最有能量, 十分推薦
產品編號: 05834    產品: Avalon Magick - Witch Bottle Small
w02868 於 2021-06-04 12:19:12
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OMG. I’m using Magnet and it really works and the magic inside it is very potent. I only bought it for 2 weeks and there’s a huge good difference. Everything is in abundant.
產品編號: 07547    產品: Dhanvantari Granular incense for Health & Healing
plutonian 於 2020-08-09 13:38:28
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A modest amount of beautifully blent resin incense to purify and protect the person burning and the room it is placed in. As you only need a tiny piece to fill the room with its aromatic fumes, a pocket of this might last me a good month even if I use this nightly.

My decision to burn this prior to a raw drunken confessional helped immensely, as it aided in opening up my friends’ hearts to heal past wounds. The lack of a hangover and cleared sinuses is also a testament to the powerful properties of this incense.
產品編號: 04864    產品: Avalon Magick Oil (15ml)
Birb 於 2020-07-08 20:52:55
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買咗枝 Venus Oil 嚟改善自愛問題,每日都會搽喺個 Venus talisman 嘅兩面同埋自己手、頸到,之後許願希望可以令到自己珍惜自己,從而改善感情同埋人際關係
用咗都大約一排,效果十分顯著! 男朋友開始明白我情緒問題嘅難處,而自己亦唔會否定自己,最近同朋友仲有同事都多咗傾計,成個人都開心咗好多,真係樣樣都順啲
同埋都有一陣微微嘅草本香味,聞落好舒服,自己搽多少少 rose water 喺面當香水的話會多啲層次
支持本地女巫嘅高質服務 <3
產品編號: 01496    產品: Talisman Of the Venus Pendant
Birb 於 2020-07-08 20:43:21
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即使有向維納斯女神祈禱同埋整 self-love jar 都係改善咗少少,但係仍然成日發作
買完呢個 talisman 之後,每日都會加埋 Avalon 嘅 Venus Oil 嚟用,向維納斯女神許願,希望佢可以幫助我更加愛錫自己
個 size 雖然比較大少少,但係即使唔放入面都襯到到衫同裙。本身個面上面有少少金屬痕,不過無整花到個陣。十分推薦比需要自愛同埋想有個人成長嘅朋友
產品編號: 06009    產品: Avalon Magick Mojo Bag
Audrey 於 2020-05-23 22:06:24
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之前因為master interview收到waiting list offer, 希望想有admission offer, 所以買左Crown Of Success, 另外German 都建議我買埋spells kit雙管齊下加強效果, 然後奇蹟就發生啦!!係買左mojo bag 8 日後,我收到admission offer, 連spell kit 都未開始做,太厲害啦@@
5月8日收waiting list email, 5月14日買mojo bag, 5月23日就收到offer, 真係amazing@@

P.S 因為成日亂唸野, 買左Banish Negative去除負能量, 呢個星期覺得自己個人開朗左同心情放鬆左好多, 一年後會keep住再買呢2個mojo bag! ;))))

產品編號: 07590    產品: Isis Super 6 Healing Pendulum
Kristywantingho 於 2020-05-18 14:35:13
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收到呢個靈擺就第一時間試用了 , 好快有反應 , "發"得好明顯 , 正~
產品編號: 06791    產品: Hem Cone Incense
Birb 於 2020-04-10 22:38:50
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買咗 Myrrh 嚟做獻祭品,順便做埋個人淨化
陣味其實唔錯,可以 feel 到啲煙消除緊自己磁場入面嘅負能量
完咗之後個人好似輕咗 (?) 好似自己啲煩惱跟住啲煙飛走咗咁
產品編號: 06824    產品: Kamini Aromatics Cone Incense
Birb 於 2020-04-10 22:34:53
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買咗盒 Night Queen
佢個 size 比 HEM 嘅高啲,燒到半個鐘再耐少少
佢比人嘅感覺好精神上 empowering,可以 feel 到有啲好正面嘅能量注入緊自己到
生理上會 feel 到佢逼咗啲負能量出嚟,一開始有少少頭痛,不過 feel 到佢放咗出嚟之後就舒服晒
Overall 嚟講幾合適啲想要正能量嘅朋友 ^w^
產品編號: 08752    產品: Sky Blue Tarot Cloth
Birb 於 2020-04-07 15:16:25
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產品編號: 07938    產品: 木制盧恩文占卜石配盒
Birb 於 2020-03-21 19:54:00
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之前一直都好想學盧恩占卜,喺不同大小網站 search 完之後都係對佢念念不忘
個盒好精緻,摸上手好有 feel ~w~
符文本身係 laser cut 上去,但係個木質唔錯,好好摸,size okay,即使係女仔細細隻手都一次過可以揸晒所有占卜石
第一次用佢哋嚟占卜嗰陣,已經發現個 connection 好強;佢可以十分準咁去描述我個人仲有面對緊嘅情況,同埋比 advice 我應該點做,係就係有啲 harsh 同埋直接 XD
另外 German 附送咗個好可愛嘅純色袋仔仲有本自家製嘅 guide booklet 比我 XD 真心好實用
平時唔用佢哋的話,可以將佢哋放返喺個盒到,你又可以做擺設,又可以放喺個壇到,超級好十分推薦 <3
產品編號: 06009    產品: Avalon Magick Mojo Bag
餐蛋治好食 於 2020-01-20 03:51:10
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買左Reconciliation mojo bag幾日後佢主動text我!!
產品編號: 03138    產品: Positive Energy
w04648 於 2019-06-07 15:57:51
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因為同男朋友分手既問題,令到成個人都好多負能量,每日都好唔開心,以淚洗面,用左1個星期Positive Energy靈氣蠟燭左右,我個願望係驅走我所有負能量,諗野開心D,正面D,每日都點30分鐘同許願,加上唸讀包裝紙上既SPELL,依家個人情緒無咁悲觀,同埋諗野無再咁負面,成個人既情緒都穩定左,正面左,開心左! 值得推介!