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List of new arrivals this month

List of new arrivals this month

List of new arrivals this month


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German's Blog
聽得最多既一句說話   (只限會員觀看)
呢篇 Blog 係由客人的一句『其實「每個人情況不一樣」呢句說話聽得最多』而開始的

任何魔法用品成功與否都係 case by case。

即使你覺得自己既 case 同其他人既 case 可能差唔多,也不代表佢得你都得,亦不代表佢衰左你都會衰。
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German's Blog
直覺式乜乜   (只限會員觀看)
有位客人來店購買靈擺時提及關於閱讀了網上的文章,說靈擺的來源是自己的直覺,我當場糾正了他的這種說法。然而他之後再發 whatsapp 截圖,將網上的一些說法 send 給我,再問我為什麼網上的說法不像我所說的? 我只能回應「你可以選擇自己所相信的」

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Things You Should Know
- Light your incense in a still room without drafts to get the most accurate reading. Then, clear your mind and focus on your specific question.
- Read smoke that moves to the right or straight up-and-down as generally positive signs, while broken or erratic smoke is often a negative sign.
- Use your intuition to interpret signs like faces, numbers in the smoke; consider your particular situation and ask the incense further questions to clarify.

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3  魔法 

Interpreting Candle Flame Meanings   (只限會員觀看)
Best Practices for Reading Candle Flames

Take in your environment before interpreting a candle flame.
Notice if there’s a draft, fan, or breeze in your space. Outside elements could affect how your candle burns
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5  魔法 

German's Blog
髮型師一番話的啟示   (只限會員觀看)
早排與髮型師在 whatsapp 落 appointment 果陣佢話我知佢轉左公司,確定好價錢同約好時間之後就去搵佢剪頭髮。

在過程中佢話我知佢轉公司的原因,係舊公司做極都好難儲客,亦變相搵得唔多。原因有好多,佢提到其中一個原因係由於而家好多 IG SHOP 都做得好低價,根本就係做爛市。而香港人亦會貪平走去試不同既 IG SHOP,佢地有啲仲會有上門服務,變相實體店既髮型屋而家都好難做,除非個髮型師真係留得住個客個心,先會有機會成為返頭客。
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