Understanding Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot

Author(s) : Lon Milo DuQuette
Publisher : Weiser Books

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Item Number: 01929
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Best, by far, to look for the richness of tradition, which is where Aleister Crowley`s Thoth Tarot can be found. Unfortunately, the book Crowley wrote to elucidate the meaning of the cards so brilliantly painted by Lady Freida Harris - The Book of Thoth - requires a patience and supplemental knowledge quite a few readers do not possess. That is where Lon Milo DuQuette`s latest comes in. He looks at the history of not only Crowley, but of Harris, the historical situation surrounding the Thoth deck`s creation, and the myriad magickal components inherent to the deck. And he does it in plain English, with touches of his delightful humor so the door can be thrown wide open for more Tarot enthusiasts to come to an understanding of what Tarot is really about, especially the Thoth deck. The extensive research which went into this volume, as well as DuQuette`s own considerable experience on the subject, make this a text to be valued and read time and again - just as DuQuette himself recommends reading The Book of Thoth on a regular basis. But now, because of DuQuette`s incredible efforts, the latter will be better understood by a broader audience, and the Thoth Tarot more comprehensively used for spiritually enlightening purposes, as it was meant to be.

Country of Origin: Australia
Pages: paperback 327 pages.
Price: $260 HKD
VIP Member Price: $234 HKD
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