Energized Angel Symbols 1–49

Author(s) : Ingrid Auer
Publisher : Ingrid Auer

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Item Number: 09313
Sensitive and easy to understand, Ingrid Auer allows a natural, uninhibited access to the angelic world. All those who need comfort and advice, or have physical ailments, can open up with these symbols, the enchanting world of angels and use their support. With the help of Angel Symbols blockages in the energetic field can be solved and chakras, water, food, etc. can be energized. Also different spreads involve a wide range of applications. So, with the help of the powerful symbols questions on the topics of self-knowledge, life, learning task, past / present, etc. can be answered.

A companion book of the Energized Angel Symbols. 49 energized cards

Pages: 162 pages
Price: $600 HKD
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