Advanced Tarot : An In-depth Guide To Practical & Intuitive Tarot Reading

Author(s) : Paul Fenton-Smith
Publisher : Llewellyn Publications

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Item Number: 00967
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Featuring detailed card interpretations, reversed meanings, a variety of card layouts, tips for reading under pressure, and full-color illustrations, this comprehensive book is a one-stop resource for everyone from beginners to those who want to read professionally. Drawing on decades of experience, Paul Fenton-Smith presents a deep dive into the symbols and meanings of all 78 cards. Explore new ways to combine traditional interpretations with your intuitive impressions. Learn how to answer questions with confidence and accuracy. This must-have book also provides charts and correspondences as well as guidance on matters of career, health, relationships, and more.

Country of Origin: USA
Pages: 556 pages
Price: $500 HKD
VIP Member Price: $450 HKD
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