Magical Candle Crafting by Ember Grant

Author(s) : Ember Grant
Publisher : Llewellyn Publications

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Item Number: 03421
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Would you like to add a spark of enchantment to your spiritual path and light up your home with a special, warm glow? Candle making is a fun and powerful way to infuse personal energy into your practice and your life.

Filled with creative candle recipes and spells, Magical Candle Crafting is a friendly, hands-on guide to making votive candles using inexpensive, easy-to-find items. Ember Grant takes you through each step, from mixing and pouring the wax to choosing magically potent ingredients to charging your candle with energy. Learn to craft candles for rituals specific to the elements, days of the week, chakras, moon phases, planets, and all sabbats on the Wheel of the Year. Discover how to make spell candles for prosperity, love, romance, healing, inspiration, and each of your goals. Further empower your creations with timing guidelines, plus:

Inspiring design and decoration ideas
Recipes for meditation, rejuvenation, grounding, and mood enhancement
Suggestions for herbs, essential oils, crystals, chants, symbols, and other helpful correspondences.

Country of Origin: USA
Pages: 264 Pages
Price: $260 HKD
VIP Member Price: $234 HKD
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