First Pentacle of the Sun

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Item Number: 08107
The ‘El Shaddai’ talisman which is alleged to bring the possessor all things they may desire

The Countenance of Shaddaï the Almighty, at Whose aspect all creatures obey, and the Angelic Spirits do reverence on bended knees.

This singular Pentacle contains the head of the great Angel Methraton or Metatron, the vice-gerent and representative of Shaddaï, who is called the Prince of Countenances, and the right-hand masculine Cherub of the Ark, as Sandalphon is the left and feminine. ON either side is the Name ‘El Shaddaï.’ Around is written in Latin:’Behold His face and form by Whom all things were made, and Whom all creatures obey.’

Volume/Weight/Size: 4.2 cm dia.
Price: $480 HKD
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