Pentacle of Venus - Double Side

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Item Number: 09215
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This talisman is double side, each side carry a pentacle of venus, details as follow:

The 2nd Pentacle of Venus:
For obtaining grace & honor, and for accomplishing all desires in matters of the heart.

These Pentacles are also proper for obtaining grace and honour, and for all things which belong unto Venus, and for accomplishing all thy desires herein.

The letters round and within the Pentagram form the Names of Spirits of Venus. The versicle is from Canticles viii. 6:–‘Place me as a signet upon thine heart, as a signet upon thine arm, for love is strong as death.’

The 4th Pentacle of Venus:
Of great power, this forces any person the owner desires to come to him or her.

It is of great power, since it compels the Spirits of Venus to obey, and to force on the instant any person thou wishest to come unto thee.

At the four Angles of the Figure are the four letters of the Name IHVH. The other letters form the Names of Spirits of Venus, e.g.:–Schii, Eli, Ayib, etc. The versicle is from Genesis ii. 23, 24:–‘This is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh. And they two were one flesh.’

Volume/Weight/Size: 4.2 cm dia.
Price: $900 HKD
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