The Sufi Tarot

Author(s) : Ayeda Husain
Publisher : Hay House Inc.

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Item Number: 10423
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This deck combines mystical Sufi wisdom with classic tarot archetypes recast as Sufi concepts and figures, offering a new lens on the traditional tarot system.

Sufism is often called the path to the heart because it is a process of turning within to the fountainhead of all knowledge through the opening and purification of the heart. In tarot, we meet the carefree fool, the enigmatic magician, the mystical high priestess, the commanding emperor, the nurturing empress and more - archetypes that represent the many qualities that each of us must call upon on as we follow the 'Fool's Journey' through life.

Both Sufism and the tarot call the reader to walk the path of self-discovery and inner-knowing, uncovering secrets not to predict the future, but to discover answers to the big questions: Why are we here? Why do we feel the way we feel and act the way we do? What is our purpose in this life?

Country of Origin: Australia
Volume/Weight/Size: 78 cards, 3.95" x 5.4"
Price: $350 HKD
VIP Member Price: $315 HKD
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