塔羅牌 > 塔羅牌
Cleopatra Tarot
繪師 : Silvana Alasia ; 作者 : Etta Stoico出版社/廠商 : Lo Scarabeo
[本產品有 3 位會員收藏]
This deck is dedicated to the last Egyptian queen, Cleopatra, famous for her exceptional culture, as well as for her harmonious voice.
The Tarot reproduces the Egyptian gods and astral spirits of the Denderah Zodiac. To these figures the Egyptians attributed the power to condition human destiny, combining the magic of the stars with the symbolism of the Tarot.
產品出版地: 意大利
容量/重量/尺寸: 78 cards, 66 x 120mm
價格: $330 HKD
VIP會員價格: $297 HKD
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