Golden Botticelli Tarot

繪師 : Atanas Alexandrov Atanassov ; 作者 : Atanas Alexandrov Atanassov
出版社/廠商 : Lo Scarabeo

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貨品編號: 02716
A great Master reinterprets a painter rich in mysterious meaning. The symbols present in the works of Botticelli express, in a concealed way, a harmonious vision of Nature, that unites the ideals of beauty with an esoteric and religious dimension. These cards reveal, to an attentive observer, a truth that is more profound the more one penetrates the analysis of the details that compose each image.

產品出版地: 意大利
容量/重量/尺寸: 78 cards, 66 x 120mm
價格: $420 HKD
VIP會員價格: $378 HKD
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用家評論共有 0 個用家評語
