Archangel Animal Oracle Cards

作者 : Diana Cooper
出版社/廠商 : Hay House Inc.

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貨品編號: 07620
By popular demand, author of The Archangel Guide to the Animal World Diana Cooper has created a one-of-a-kind oracle deck combining the divine wisdom of the Archangels with the natural beauty of the animal kingdom.

Each of the 44 cards in this deck represents an animal, bird or insect, and shows symbols associated with each creature to help the user interpret its spiritual messages. For example, when picking the Hyena card, the guidance is 'dare to be different'; the card then advises how to be true to yourself and make change happen on a profound and personal level. Every animal also works with a specific Archangel, who is indicated on that card. The accompanying booklet offers the reader unique information about each animal as well as its soul purpose and service mission, and the direct guidance the Archangels want to give you through these beautiful creatures.

This oracle deck will appeal to readers interested in ascension and making a deeper connection with the animal world.

產品出版地: 澳洲
容量/重量/尺寸: 44 cards, 10 x 13.8cm
價格: $280 HKD
VIP會員價格: $252 HKD
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