Invoking The Egyptian Gods

作者 : Judith Page, Ken Biles
出版社/廠商 : Llewellyn Publications


貨品編號: 08355
本產品需要付全數訂金訂貨,一般需時約 3-4 星期到貨。

Leap directly into the powerful undercurrents of Egyptian magick and be changed forever. Venture into a hidden realm where true gnosis and healing can be found. By invoking these deities of ancient Egypt, you create a stargate whereby you can enter into other dimensions, receive messages from the Neteru, and become one with the gods once again. Call upon Isis for boundless love, invoke Sekhmet for protection, summon the jackal god Anubis when seeking to end one thing and begin another. Combining elegant rites with an evocative description of each deity's myths, this book invites you to begin a soul-level transformation and awaken to your own strength, power, and divinity.

產品出版地: 美國
頁數: 288 pages
價格: $260 HKD
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