
Hermit Tarot Channelled Messages Oracle Deck

作者 : Lorraine
出版社/廠商 : The Hermit Tarot

[本產品有 9 位會員收藏]

貨品編號: 09836
純文字牌之中超高人氣既 Hermit Tarot Channelled Messages Oracle Deck,共 100 張卡牌,除了訊息量夠多,文字直接而且清晰表達,牌的背景色也能同時反映了當下的能量或情緒,上面還有數字可以同步做埋與數字或日期有關的占卜,實在是一套多功能、全面而且易上手的占卜工具。

This deck was created intuitively and is a great resource to use to connect with your intuition - ALWAYS TRUST YOUR INTUITION.

As a tarot reader, my aim is always to provide clarity, support and guidance on your journey through love, life and everything in-between. I hope you can use these cards to empower yourself and gain the clarity you need to move forward in your journey. Love + Light

How To Read The White Cards:

All channelled messages are inspired by cards from the traditional Rider-Waite Tarot deck HOWEVER not ALL tarot cards are in this oracle deck.

Each Minor Arcana-inspired card is printed on a white background with a number. The card does not reference a specific suit on purpose (i.e. Cups, Wands, Swords or Pentacles) - Allow your intuition and the depth of the words to guide your interpretation of the card. Your interpretation of the card will vary as you become familiar with your deck...

Pay Attention To The Light Blue Cards:

Spirit / The Universe / God / Whatever-Deity-You-Seek-Wisdom-From will use the light blue cards in this deck to communicate advice and remind you that you are being guided throughout your journey. These cards are considered unofficial Major Arcana cards and are very significant. These messages may not be from your person specifically but will aid you in reading the energy of your shared connection.

Other Coloured Cards:

Grey cards are cards of confusion - They indicate uncertainty, challenges and potential regret that your person may be currently experiencing.

Black cards are cards that represent the many facets of The Devil XV card in traditional tarot. These cards are very important to me as they illustrate the specific barriers you connection is facing - co-dependency, addiction, substance abuse, unhealthy attachments, unrealistic expectations and of course, over-sexualised behaviour that could be stunting emotional development.

All other colours are intended to provoke emotions and intuitive responses and are not linked with specific cards or suits (i.e. Cups, Swords, Wands & Pentacles).

容量/重量/尺寸: 100 cards with plain box, 70 x 120mm
價格: $480 HKD
VIP會員價格: $432 HKD
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用家評論共有 1 個用家評語

由 Wing Chan 於 2023-01-24 23:30 發表:

Message cards 居然可以對應到我所抽的tarot card, 好神奇
