Higher Self Oracle

繪師 : Deborah Rodriguez-Capacetti ; 作者 : Deanna Marie Riddick
出版社/廠商 : Red Feather Publishing

[本產品有 2 位會員收藏]

貨品編號: 10978
本產品需要付全數訂金訂貨,一般需時約 3-4 星期到貨。

Embark on a transformative journey toward fulfilling your life's purpose by connecting with your higher self through the potent energy of love and light.
Delve into the Higher Self Oracle , a comprehensive guide comprising 45 radiant cards that offer profound insights and guidance on a range of emotional, daily, and overarching life challenges.
Each card bears a transcendent image infused with high vibrational frequencies that facilitate the development of your spiritual intelligence.
The accompanying guidebook is replete with detailed messages, techniques, and exercises designed to enhance your relationship with your inner guide.
Uplifting quotes that will inspire and uplift your spirit.

By turning to the Higher Self Oracle , you will gain invaluable clarity and direction as you navigate the twists and turns of your life's journey.

容量/重量/尺寸: 45 cards, 3.75" x 5"
價格: $280 HKD
VIP會員價格: $252 HKD
[如何成為 VIP]

用家評論共有 1 個用家評語

由 Bard Wu 於 2024-01-19 05:56 發表:

