The Cerulean Sequence

作者 : James R. Eads
出版社/廠商 : Prisma Vision


貨品編號: 12375
本產品需要付全數訂金訂貨,一般需時約 4-6 星期到貨。

The Cerulean Sequence: An Oracle of Numbers

Prisma Visions' First Numerology Deck by James R. Eads

The Cerulean Sequence includes 60 cards and a hardcover book designed to resemble James’ personal sketchbook.

Delve into the realm of numerology as you uncover the significance of each number and learn how to unveil your soul number. The included guidebook is a cryptic artifact brimming with enigmatic clues and hidden messages that invite you to unravel its secrets. Surrender to the sequence and decode the Cerulean language to discover the oracle’s mysterious origin.

產品出版地: 美國
容量/重量/尺寸: 60 cards, 7 x 12cm
價格: $680 HKD
VIP會員價格: $612 HKD
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