The Sabbath Tarot 2nd Edition

Author(s) : Allan Spiers
Publisher : Self-Publish

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Item Number: 00708
When we hear the word “witch” it typically conjures a specific image in our minds, often that of a cackling old hag with warts riding a broom. The word ‘witch’ is also stereotypically viewed by society as inherently female. This is reinforced by many historical events that focus on the persecution of women as witches. Many forget the thousands of men who died as witches, with some parts of Europe having almost the entire population of the accused being male.

The misconception that witches are only women extends into our modern world as well, however, huge numbers of men identify as witches, rejecting the stereotypical labels such as ‘warlock’ that some embrace. The main inspiration for The Sabbath comes from these men, these witches, who history has persecuted, murdered, and those that practice their witchcraft today. This tarot deck and its forthcoming companion, The Sabbath photobook glorify the image of the male witch through a display of their power and authority. I have, however, included female representation in several of the cards as to not break with tradition and to make sure I give a nod to those women who endured the horrors of persecution, and those who actively carry on the tradition of powerful women of witchcraft today. Witch women, this deck is also for you!

As a fitness photographer and witch, I use to keep my two worlds separate for fear of repercussions that would interfere with my photography business given that many of my models come from conservative Christian backgrounds. But over time I grew resentful that I had to hide this part of me away when it is such a huge influence in my life so I decided to start The Sabbath project to introduce both worlds to each other.

By fusing fitness and witchcraft photography I am able to tell a story to each audience and aspire to awaken new ideas and concepts they may not have been familiar with. I have been shocked and blessed to have such a huge positive response to the project, and have attained many high-profile athletes to be a part of it. During the photoshoots, I am able to engage with the models, and I discovered that many of them have a profound interest in witchcraft. Some even asking for guidance on how to start the beginning stages of their practice. I have heard stories of mothers who read cards and performed rituals, grandmothers who spoke incantations, and friends and cousins who dabbled in seeking out the forces of darkness. I feel this project is lifted the veil that has shrouded witchcraft from most of our modern world, particularly within the male fitness community. I have also heard from witches that this project has inspired them to achieve their fitness goals, to ritualize their routines to make them sacred and a test of their personal will.

These stories are why I am so honored to be able to create this tarot deck. My hope is that not only will it be a piece of art, but a functional tool that is used by my fellow witches, men and women of the Craft, to harness their power and speak to The Fates.

- The Devil’s Arcana -

The Devil’s Arcana is going to work with the deck in a few ways, by giving the reader the opportunity to switch out the Lucifer card, or to keep all three in the deck for some amazing revelations. To make this infernal triad two additional cards will be added to the deck, each being named after an incarnation of the Lord of Darkness. Lucifer, already included in the deck, along with Diabolus, and Satan. Each will be inscribed with the astrological symbol of Capricorn and carry the number XV. If all three cards show up in a reading it signifies that person carries “the Mark of the Beast” 666 (15: 1+5=6). This means that a person is anointed by the Lord of Darkness and is gifted in witchcraft and the occult. This will help the diviner identify fellow witches whether the person being read knows it or not.

When each card from the Devil’s Arcana shows up alone or in pairs they will have similar yet unique meanings based on each card. In summary Lucifer = Rebellion, Diabolus = Temptation, and Satan = Liberation. These are qualities found in all witches: rebellion against oppression, temptation of our absolute free will, and liberation from those things that seek to confine us. Our card for this position, typically called “The Devil” in most standard decks, is a card of empowerment, action to better our lives, and each specific card in The Devil’s Arcana answers what the person needs specifically to better their lives and rid themselves of negative influence giving a more in depth and personal reading.

- The Cards -
- 80 Full-color, 88mm x 126mm (roughly 3.5x5in) 400 GSM high-quality soft matte lamination
- Matte red edges
- The Sabbath Pentagram in red foil on back
- Gold foil text in front
- Spot UV details of the elemental and astrological symbols

* Changes from the First Edition *
- Imagery will be brighter and colors will be richer
- Some hidden imagery will be removed and some added
- Book edits and typo corrections
- Added spells and layouts

- The Sabbath Compendium -
– A 200-page full-color hardcover guidebook
– Contains meanings, descriptions, and interpretations
– Unique spreads and spellwork

- The Flip Box -
– High-quality soft matte lamination
– The Sabbath Pentagram in red foil
– Spot UV title on the inside

- The Bag -
– Black velvet
– Red lined
– The Sabbath Pentagram in red

Country of Origin: USA
Volume/Weight/Size: 80 cards, 88 x 126mm
Price: $1880 HKD
VIP Member Price: $1692 HKD
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