The Hunab Ku - The End of Time

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Item Number: 02913
On Dec 21, 2012, the day of Winter Solstice, the Mayan Calendar comes to an end! Some say that this means the End of the World! Others say that it will be a time of Great Renewal and Connection to Cosmic Consciousness!
Mysteriously the Ancient Mayans understood an Astrological Cycle we call the Precession of the Equinoxes. This is a 26,000 year cycle in which Earth transits through each of the 12 signs of the Zodiac for about 2152 years each. Each of these astrological ages represents one month of the grand, Cosmic Year.
The Mayans saw time not as linear as we do but cyclical, ending and starting again. The "future" which lie beyond this end date is literally "a New World Age" - "a New Creation".
Our Mayan Amulet provides a connection to the Cosmos that will help in that transition and connect you to the center of Cosmic Consciousness.
Hunab Ku is an ancient Mayan Symbol. To the Maya every being in the Universe is connected to the Cosmic Source via "Kuxan Suum", the "umbilical cord" of the Universe.
One end is attached at your navel while the opposite end is attached to "Hunab Ku" the Galactic Central Point. Hunab Ku is thought to be a Black Sun and the source of Pure Spiritual Energy, the "Mystery Revealed" the breaker of the spell of the "Smoky Mirror". It helps reveal and unravel the Truth behind complicated relationships.
This symbol brings Balance to the Mind, Body and Spirit.

Made in USA. Pendant are cast in Lead-free, Kid-Safe, "Hallmark" brand Pewter in the USA by skilled American Crafts People

Size: 3.3 cm
Price: $380 HKD
VIP Member Price: $342 HKD
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