Tarot Of Vampyres Box Set

Author(s) : Ian Daniels
Publisher : Llewellyn Publications

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Item Number: 03336
Embrace the night as you succumb to visions of blood-red roses and feel the impassioned rhythms of your feverishly pounding heart. The Vampyre legend is rooted in darkness and seduction, yet its eternal message is one spiritual hunger-to taste the Divine.

Featuring Ian Daniels` richly evocative, Gothic-style artwork, this hauntingly romantic deck is a tool for spiritual awakening. With it, you can plumb the depths of your inner shadows and emerge in the radiant light of truth.

Inspired by the Rider-Waite structure, the deck shows the Fool, Priestess, and other traditional figures, while the suits bear unique names that call for the mysterious and macabre: Scepters, Grails, Knives, and Skulls. The companion book provides detailed card meanings, creative exercises, original spreads, and instructions for creating your own Vampyre character.

Country of Origin: USA
Volume/Weight/Size: 78 cards, 6" x 8"
Price: $880 HKD
VIP Member Price: $792 HKD
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