Starman Tarot Kit

Artist(s) : Davide De Angelis
Publisher : Lo Scarabeo

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Item Number: 07284
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In 1995, David Bowie and Davide De Angelis began collaborating on album art for Bowie's dystopian album Outside, a creative working relationship that spanned across many projects, including the development of art for the album Earthling and concepts for stage sets, books, products, websites and art shows. Inspired by their creative collaborations and the artistic ideas born out of them, Davide De Angelis has crafted a visionary tarot deck that expertly weaves together intricate sacred geometries, alchemy, street culture, cosmology, erotic sci-fi images, punk rock, experimental typography, magic, and the sacred teachings of the world's mystery traditions. Davide's life-long fascination with the miraculous system of Tarot, combined with his deep desire to explore and visualise the nature of reality, has given birth to rich and complex forms of graphic art – ‘potent visual alchemy’ as Bowie described it. The Starman Tarot unfolds as a philosophy, an artistic expression - a technology of spirit. The invitation to become the cause and creator of your expereince is encrypted into each card. The true form of ‍‍‍Magic is brought into existence through your interactions with the cards, your words and your actions: new ways of being are birthed.

(5¼ x 8) Box includes a 78-gilt edged card deck (3 x 5½) and a 192-page colour guidebook.

Country of Origin: Italy
Volume/Weight/Size: 78 cards, 75 x 140mm
Price: $580 HKD
VIP Member Price: $522 HKD
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