Ancient Egyptian Magic

Author(s) : Eleanor L. Harris
Publisher : Weiser Books

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Item Number: 07502
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This new edition of Ancient Egyptian Magic takes you step-by step through Egyptian religions, magical philosophy, techniques of divination, and magical formulae thousands of years old. No previous experience with the subject is necessary--Harris explains the "hows" and "whys" of magical tools, amulets, words of power, divination, ceremony, and spells. Advanced practitioners will find especially useful instruction on actual Egyptian magical script as found in the ancient papyri such as The Leyden Papyrus, The Papyrus Ani (the Egyptian Book of the Dead), and other important works. Learn to:
Invoke Egyptian gods and spirits for divination and magicScry with fire, oil, and waterEvoke messengers and spirits of the deadHave dream visionsSound the secret names of the deities Shape-shift into god formsCast spells for love, protection and healingCreate ritual clothing and magical tools

Everything you need to start practicing ancient Egyptian techniques is here in your hands!

Country of Origin: Australia
Pages: 240 pages
Price: $280 HKD
VIP Member Price: $252 HKD
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