Magical Power for Beginners: How to Raise and Send Energy for Spells That Work

Author(s) : Deborah Lipp
Publisher : Llewellyn Publications

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Item Number: 08325
What makes magic work? What can it do and what can't it do? This straightforward, easy-to-follow guide introduces you to the four necessary components of magic: interconnection, transcending space and time, intention and focus, and power. Power is given particular emphasis, exploring topics like where it comes from, how to access it, how to flavour it to suit the purpose, and various methods of sending it. Magical Power for Beginners presents a wide range of topics, including sympathetic magic, meditation, spell construction, use of ritual space, evocation, and magical tools. The magic presented here is usable by practitioners of any system and is designed to help you understand magic on a fundamental level, giving you the skills you need to perform more effective spells and rituals.

Country of Origin: USA
Pages: 336 pages
Price: $220 HKD
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