The Spells Deck

Artist(s) : Kim Knoll ; Author(s) : Cat Cabral
Publisher : Chronicle Books

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Item Number: 08542
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This luxe deck makes it easy to bring a little magic to everyday life. Featuring charms, potions, natural remedies, and rituals for self-care, empowerment, love, and more, The Spells Deck is an enchanting, all-levels introduction to witchcraft. Each card features shimmering artwork on the front and simple instructions for a spell on the back. Delivered in a charming portable package with foil stamping, this deck is a beautiful accessory for modern mystics and spirituality seekers.

Volume/Weight/Size: 78 Cards, 9.27 x 15.24cm
Price: $280 HKD
VIP Member Price: $252 HKD
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