Tarocchi di Aleister Crowley (Italian edition)

Artist(s) : Lady Frieda Harris ; Author(s) : Aleister Crowley
Publisher : AGM-Urania Publishing

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Item Number: 09542
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This is the new Italian edition of the Book of Thoth deck, created by the genius of Aleister Crowley - a mysterious and controversial figure, but undoubtedly the greatest wizard of the twentieth century - and painted by Lady Frieda Harris.

This deck is one of the cornerstones of cartomancy and world esotericism. Aleister Crowley, arte di Frieda Harris, 78 cards, 60x110mm, Instructions. Italian edition by AGMüller publishing house.

Country of Origin: Germany
Volume/Weight/Size: 78 cards, 60 x 110mm
Price: $350 HKD
VIP Member Price: $315 HKD
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