Tarot for Kids

Artist(s) : Kailey Whitman ; Author(s) : Theresa Reed
Publisher : U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

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The future is waiting to be written by the strong, beautiful children of today. In a world in which things often feel out of control, isn't it nice for children to learn they have choices and can connect with their inner guidance? Tarot is a fantastic tool for teaching kids verbal and decision-making skills, how to set goals and move toward the outcome they want, and how to trust their instincts. With Tarot for Kids, children (ages 8 and up) are invited to narrate their own stories and find their power. As author Theresa Reed, aka The Tarot Lady, reminds us: “The cards tell a story, but you write the ending.”

A few cards have been modified for this age group―for example, the “death” card is “change,” and the “lovers” card is “friends.” The guidebook has everything kids need to begin, including a brief history of tarot, the meanings of the cards, and how to perform readings. It also includes resources to help kids set goals, build friendships, adjust an attitude, and listen to their own inner wisdom.

Includes 78 cards and 96-page guidebook.

Country of Origin: USA
Volume/Weight/Size: 78 cards, 3.75" x 5.5"
Price: $280 HKD
VIP Member Price: $252 HKD
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