The Archangel Michael Sword Of Light Oracle

Artist(s) : Echo Chernik ; Author(s) : Radleigh Valentine
Publisher : Hay House Inc.

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Item Number: 10646
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Meet Archangel Michael as you've never seen him before and receive his guidance and gifts in this inclusive deck from an acclaimed angel oracle creator.

Archangel Michael wants you to feel safe, no matter your spiritual inclination. You are never alone and you are always adored as a child of the Divine. While traditional depictions of Michael focus on his strength in a warlike manner, often depicting him in battle, this deck reveals the many other gifts he brings to your life and the gentle love with which he provides protection. Michael is depicted in different forms, including different races and gender identities, as a reminder that his power is open to all and always available.

Country of Origin: Australia
Volume/Weight/Size: 44 cards, 12.55 x 13.82cm
Price: $280 HKD
VIP Member Price: $252 HKD
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