完全復刻版 Clamp描きおろしクロウカードセット (Completely Reprinted Clow Card Set Drawn By Clamp)

Author(s) : CLAMP
Publisher : 講談社

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Item Number: 11138
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In commemoration of the 60th anniversary of "Nakayoshi" in 2015, the legendary Clow Card Set has been completely reprinted! In response to many requests for a reprint, it has been completely reproduced as it was at the time!

2015年に「なかよし」が60周年を迎えるのを記念して、伝説のクロウカードセットを完全復刻! CLAMP描きおろしの「クロウカードセット」全52枚を実物大で再現したファン必携のアイテムを、たくさんの復刻希望の声に応えて当時のままの姿で完全再現!!

Country of Origin: Japan
Volume/Weight/Size: 52 cards
Price: $580 HKD
VIP Member Price: $522 HKD
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