The Fundamental Book Of Sigil Magick Vol.2

Author(s) : K. P. Theodore
Publisher : Erebus Society

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Item Number: 11581
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This book serves as a textbook for those who wish to study the art of Sigil Magick. In its pages you will find information about the different kinds of sigils, their use, activation techniques and how to create custom tailored sigils from scratch.Learn how to captivate emotions, empower the mind, create mental barriers, re-program the brain and alter consciousness by the use of “Mental Sigils”. And explore how the use of “Physical Sigils” can impact and amplify one's abilities and enrich magickal workings. In this book we are going to dig deeper into the World of Sigils, enrich the techniques taught in the previous volume, learn about combinations, introduce additional methods for crafting sigils, and see a new catalog of universal sigils.

Pages: 272 pages
Price: $240 HKD
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