Lenormand De Paris

Author(s) : Clarissa Shanahan
Publisher : AGM-Urania Publishing

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Item Number: 11939
This stylish deck offers a Guide to Symbolic Divination through the beautiful streets of Paris. The Lenormand de Paris is a captivating fusion of the timeless 18th century cartomancy tradition and the iconic imagery of the romantic city of Paris. Drawing on the Lenormand tradition, where symbols hold deep meanings and storytelling is woven through the cards, the Lenormand de Paris connects the threads of past and present, divination and art. Whether you’re a seasoned cartomancer, or a curious seeker, this deck offers layers of symbolism that will spark your intuition and awaken your inner oracle. Includes 38 cards and 140-page guidebook.

Country of Origin: Germany
Volume/Weight/Size: 38 cards, 2.75” x 4.72”
Price: $350 HKD
VIP Member Price: $315 HKD
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