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呢篇 Blog 係由客人的一句『其實「每個人情況不一樣」呢句說話聽得最多』而開始的
任何魔法用品成功與否都係 case by case。
即使你覺得自己既 case 同其他人既 case 可能差唔多,也不代表佢得你都得,亦不代表佢衰左你都會衰。
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任何魔法用品成功與否都係 case by case。
即使你覺得自己既 case 同其他人既 case 可能差唔多,也不代表佢得你都得,亦不代表佢衰左你都會衰。
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Things You Should Know
- Light your incense in a still room without drafts to get the most accurate reading. Then, clear your mind and focus on your specific question.
- Read smoke that moves to the right or straight up-and-down as generally positive signs, while broken or erratic smoke is often a negative sign.
- Use your intuition to interpret signs like faces, numbers in the smoke; consider your particular situation and ask the incense further questions to clarify.
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- Light your incense in a still room without drafts to get the most accurate reading. Then, clear your mind and focus on your specific question.
- Read smoke that moves to the right or straight up-and-down as generally positive signs, while broken or erratic smoke is often a negative sign.
- Use your intuition to interpret signs like faces, numbers in the smoke; consider your particular situation and ask the incense further questions to clarify.
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Best Practices for Reading Candle Flames
Take in your environment before interpreting a candle flame.
Notice if there’s a draft, fan, or breeze in your space. Outside elements could affect how your candle burns
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Take in your environment before interpreting a candle flame.
Notice if there’s a draft, fan, or breeze in your space. Outside elements could affect how your candle burns
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經常被問到既問題,究竟 Road Opener 同 Unblocker 有咩分別,佢地唔係一樣既咩?
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由於它設計上本來是 「唔整熄」、「一直長燒」的,奈何香港地大部份屋企都係比較細,冇乜私人空間,而一直長期有蠟燭燒緊,阿媽一定會鬧 😂
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由於它設計上本來是 「唔整熄」、「一直長燒」的,奈何香港地大部份屋企都係比較細,冇乜私人空間,而一直長期有蠟燭燒緊,阿媽一定會鬧 😂
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摘自 2013 年 10 月 1 日在我們 PAGES 發表的文章,以便整理記錄
最近好多客人都想 "走精面",懶,偷雞。如果你希望你的用心是有成果的,請由 DAY 1 開始就認真面對,而不是為了自己玩樂而偷懶。
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最近好多客人都想 "走精面",懶,偷雞。如果你希望你的用心是有成果的,請由 DAY 1 開始就認真面對,而不是為了自己玩樂而偷懶。
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摘自 2013 年 4 月 30 日在我們 PAGES 發表的文章
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摘自 2012 年 8 月 19 日在我們 PAGES 發表的文章
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