So Below Deck - Book Of Shadows Tarot, Volume 2

Artist(s) : Sabrina Ariganello, Alessia Pastorello ; Author(s) : Barbara Moore
Publisher : Lo Scarabeo

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Item Number: 04099
So Below, volume two within The Book of Shadows Tarot Kit, is now available as a stand-alone deck. Explore the beliefs, symbols, and values of Pagan and Wicca spirituality—and how these teachings manifest in the real world. Following basic Rider-Waite structure, this vivid and powerful tarot helps us recognize—and learn from—the magical energies that surround us in everyday life.

Country of Origin: Italy
Volume/Weight/Size: 78 cards, 66 x 120mm
Price: $330 HKD
VIP Member Price: $297 HKD
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