Scrying the Secrets of the Future : How to Use Crystal Balls Water Fire Wax Mirrors Shadows and Sprit Guides to Reveal Your Destiny

Author(s) : Cassandra Eason
Publisher : Weiser Books

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Item Number: 07695
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Scrying the Secrets of the Future offers practical, hands-on guidance to using a wide variety of methods from many cultures and ages-from Ancient Egypt, the Aztecs and Mayans, and Classical Greece and Rome to Medieval European magicians, village wise women and 21st century coffee-shop divination. Discussion of each method includes its history and cultural background, traditional practices, and how to adapt these techniques to the needs of the modern world and everyday decision making.

Country of Origin: Australia
Pages: 256 pages
Price: $220 HKD
VIP Member Price: $198 HKD
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