The Oracle Tarot : Your Magical Guide to a Better Future

Author(s) : Lucy Cavendish
Publisher : Hay House Inc.

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Item Number: 08194
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The Tarot is an ancient, mystical tool that has helped many people understand their lives and explore their destiny. Now, this beautiful 64-card Oracle Tarot deck by Lucy Cavendish will help you discover the unique truths about your love life, interpersonal relationships, and career; as well as showing you how to enhance your self-esteem, improve your health, and create positive personal power in your life. With the assistance of the enclosed guidebook, you'll learn how to give yourself and your loved ones accurate, insightful, and inspiring readings.

Country of Origin: Australia
Volume/Weight/Size: 64 cards, 10 x 13.7cm
Price: $350 HKD
VIP Member Price: $315 HKD
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