Dragons : Your Celestial Guardians

Author(s) : Diana Cooper
Publisher : Hay House Inc.

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Item Number: 08296
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Dragons are returning to Earth now to prepare us for the Golden Age - and to help you ascend to the Light!

Dragons are celestial beings from the angel realms who have been sent here by Source to assist and protect us. They have been serving our planet since its inception and work with the angels in service for the highest good.

In this book, world-renowned ascension and Atlantis expert Diana Cooper shares incredibly detailed and practical knowledge about the dragons and how they can support us. You'll discover:

* the history of dragons on Earth, how they came to be here and their mission for humanity
* the air, earth, fire and water dragons, and how they act as personal companions
* the higher frequency and galactic dragons and the wisdom they bring
* how to meet your personal dragon guide and how it can help you on your ascension path

Through the visualizations and exercises in this book, you'll learn how to attune to dragon frequencies and expand your consciousness. All you have to do is ask - and watch how the dragons co-operate with the angels to fulfil your soul's deepest desires!

Country of Origin: Australia
Pages: 304 pages
Price: $280 HKD
VIP Member Price: $252 HKD
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