The Art of Hoodoo Candle Magic in Rootwork, Conjure, and Spiritual Church Services

Author(s) : Catherine Yronwode
Publisher : Missionary Independent Spiritual Church

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Within these pages you will find a treasure-trove of accurate, traditional, and easy-to-follow instructions that teach you how to work with candles and lamps in hoodoo folk magic and Spiritual Church services. Learn about Down-home Candle Magic for the Private Practitioner; How to Select and Prepare Candles for Personal Use; Auspicious Timing for Effective Spell-Casting; Candle Conjure for Love, Money, and Protection; How to Create, Craft, and Cast Your Own Candle Spells; How to Read Divination Signs from Candles; Spiritual Ministries, Altar Work, and Prayers; How to Establish a Private Vigil Candle Ministry; and How to Conduct a Public Candle Light Service.

Pages: 96 pages
Price: $180 HKD
VIP Member Price: $162 HKD
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